Monday, June 21, 2010

Tanning in a nutshell

I think that there are valid points to both sides when it comes to tanning indoors and sunless tanning. I haven't exactly decided what side i am on when it comes to tanning. There is the fact that indoor tanning can be harmful to ones skin and health. It can cause wrinkles, melanoma increase, skin cell damage and cancer. At the same time there have been points made that getting some sunshine during the week can help improve vitamin d defiency which can help against cancer, heart disease, obesity, depression and arthrities. I think if you over do it you are more likely to get the bad effects of tanning but if you stick with the recommended amounts of time spent in a tanning bed you can avoid the health risk and possible become healthier. The sunless tanning is a great alternative although you are still not getting the recommended vitamin d from the sun as needed. Either way the cosmetic aspect of it works out. Sunless tanning is more pricer, but some people believe it is worth it because they do not want to damage there skin or take that risk with the health conditions that may occur. Time is a valuable thing to these days so the sunless tan is quicker but you would have to repeat the sunless tan constantly every week to stay tan as oppose to tanning in a tanning bed for a few weeks and your natural color lasting for about a month on its own. There are up sides and down sides to both sides, so which is the right side?

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