Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Porn on Airlines

If airlines start allowing passangers to view pornography on air flights it will become a problem with public decency. I believe there are already to many opinions & issues with even the thought of allowing pornography onto airline. Airlines are a public place for single men & women & families with kids, there are to many possibilities of offending someone. I personally think if you can't wait twenty-four hours to watch porn then maybe you shoudn't be on a plane or maybe you have a sexual problem that needs to be addressed. It is selfish and not nessecary to have people viewing porn on an air flight. What if kids saw or got a hold of it? What if someone it offends someone & starts a fight? People are very opininated these days and i believe it will only cause problems on air flights. Everyone has been dealing without it this whole time, why start allowing passangers to view it now?

1 comment:

  1. I agree pornography should not to be view on air flights. I understand that is abig issue that need to handle with privacy.No matter what are privileges or personal necesities. We need to respects public places and avoid view pornography. I think y;our right to show concern on people and kids, viewing pornography is gross.Regardless one has civilrights or not, we must be respecful with airlines.
